Skin Boosters
Skin Boosters
Skin Boosters examples are Profhilo, Neauvia and NCTF. They are injections of hyaluronic acid, vitamins, and essential nutrients into the skin leading to improved hydration and increased collagen production.
Skin boosters do not alter the contours of the tissues but rather refresh and tighten the skin over time. Dr Olivia will advise a bespoke treatment based on your area of concern, such as face, neck, decolletage or hands. A course of 2-3 treatments, 2-6 weeks apart is recommended.
Patient FAQS
What level of discomfort can I expect? Mild.
How much downtime is needed? 1-2 days, bruising possible.
When can you see the difference? Within 1-2 weeks, gradually improving over time. A course of 2-3 treatments, 2-6 weeks apart is recommended.
How long does the effect last? 4-5 months.
How much does it cost? prices start at £250 per session.